Recent articles
Career Overview
Everything I Learned at UCSD2020-08-25
Everything I Learned at UCSB2020-08-25
Blogs Which Inspire Me2020-08-23
How I Created This Website2020-08-05
Writing Tips2020-08-05
Why We Procrastinate2020-08-04
Coming soon...
Future content:
- Takeaways from all the classes I took in undergrad and grad school
- Takeaways from books I've read
- UX Tips
- My development setup: VSCode, Sublime Text, Jupyter Notebook, etc.
- A dedicated cooking section for basic tips and recipes
- Pre-made travel itineraries (for when Covid-19 ends). I mean I have a bunch of flight credits I gotta use up anyway. And they say most of the fun from travelling comes from the anticipation beforehand.
- Interactive resume (for the recruiters and to whom it may concern)
- Portolio of projects (also for the recruiters)
Nice-to-have features:
- Dark mode
- Sidebar navigation with scrollspy
- Responsive layout (for mobile users)
- Button to scroll to top (w/ position fixed at lower right corner)