Why We Procrastinate
Last updated: 2020-08-04
We procrastinate because…
1. We set our expectations too high
- Solution: Break it down to mangeable pieces. Take a deep breath. Think – what is the next physical action?
2. Perfectionism
- Solution: “Done is better than perfect”
- Tell yourself that perfect does not actually exist
- Consider the tradeoffs between making something “perfect” and using that time and energy for something else
- Get started if you have 70% of the resources and 70% sure you will succeed
3. Lacking purpose
- Solution: Focus on WHY
- “He who has a why can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
4. Fear
- Solution: Be clear about what you are afraid of
- We naturally fear what we can’t control, like the dark. So shine a light.
- Imagine you’re a storybook hero. Have courage. Face your fears.
- Instead of feeling afraid to fail, tell yourself that you are excited to learn
5. Bad self-management
- Solution: Schedule a block of time
- At the end of the alloted time, reflect on what has been accomplished and what are the next steps
6. We only work well with external pressure
- Solution: Impose artificial deadlines
- Ever notice how you’re 10x productive on the last day? Because at the eleventh hour, you comprehend the consequences of your actions so viscerally.
- Better yet, figure out what you need to be internally motivated. Fighting yourself won’t work in the long run. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
7. Distractions
- Solution: Proactively eliminate distractions
- Put your phone on silent
- Close that YouTube tab
- etc.