Alexander J. Wu
Cell: (510) 519-8592 · · Fremont, CA · US Citizen
Website: · LinkedIn: /in/alexanderwu7 · GitHub: /alexanderwu
UC San Diego
La Jolla, CA
M.S. Computer Science, Depth: Artificial Intelligence
Sep 2018 - June 2020
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA
B.S. Computer Science, Minor: Statistical Science
Aug 2014 - June 2018
Work Experience
Halicioglu Data Science Institute
UC San Diego
Graduate Student Researcher
April 2019 - July 2020
- Contract work with Navy to investigate effectiveness of IT technicians among dozens of Navy ships in a 6 year period
- Wrangled unstructured data with Pandas to enable analysis of key metrics over time per ship
- Leveraged NLP (text preprocessing, topic modeling, etc.) for root-cause analysis of over 10K trouble tickets
Aruba Networks
Santa Clara, CA
Data Science Intern
June 2018 - Sep 2018
- Prototyped change detection model of WiFi traffic for Aruba NetInsight dashboard
- Wrote PySpark script for end-to-end data processing to update change detection model daily
- Interactively visualized model for tuning, debugging, and diagnostics using Bokeh
Northrop Grumman
San Diego, CA
Software Engineer Intern
June 2017 - Sep 2017
- Designed, integrated, and tested Java GUI to monitor and control subsystems of an autonomous aircraft
- Engaged in Agile scrum methodology to efficiently develop software
Thousand Oaks, CA
Software Engineer Intern
June 2016 - Sep 2016
- Developed, customized, and configured Ruby on Rails web applications for four airports
- Hepled digitize inspection forms, manage leases, track wildlife incidents, and monitor flight delays
- Highlight tarmac delays in real-time with CSS and JavaScript, helping prevent million-dollar fines for airlines
- Designed MySQL database schema to collect airport-specific data and debug data input/updates
Node.js, Express.js, REST API, MongoDB, Jest
AI-powered web app to organize the job search
Food Review Sentiment Analysis
Flask, Scikit-learn, tf-idf
Web app to predict positive vs negative Yelp reviews with real-time user input
Farmers Insurance Claims
R, logistic regression, random forest, xgboost
Predict who is likely to sue small businesses insured by Farmers Insurance
Python, R, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java, C++, Ruby, Bash
Python for Data Science:
Jupyter, pandas, matplotlib, plotly, scikit-learn
Big Data and Cloud:
Spark, Hadoop, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Linux
Web Technology:
Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, Jest
Deep Learning:
PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow, TensorBoard